Lunge forward, keeping the low back arched and the back knee and toes on the ground. Make sure the knee doesn’t go beyond the toes. The stretch should be felt along the front of the hip of the leg being stretched backwards. Stretch the arm on the back leg side towards the ceiling, and then rotate the torso away for a better hip flexor stretch.
Lying face up, bend the knee and grasp it with both hands. Pull it towards the opposite shoulder.
Lying face up, grasp the thigh with both hands and bring the knee towards the chest. With the toes of the other foot, push up on the heel of the foot you are grasping, straightening the leg.
Seated, back straight, leg crossed, grasp the knee of the crossed leg with both hands and pull it towards the opposite shoulder.
Straighten one leg in front of you while seated in a chair. Grasp that thigh with both hands and keeping the low back straight, pull your torso forward towards the thigh, bending at the hip.
Hips & Legs Target Stretches PDF
kneeling lunge hip flexor stretch