Lean back evenly into a corner, only shoulders touching, feet out in front, the body straight, upper arms parallel to the ground, elbows bent and the backs of the forearms flat against the wall on each side. Squeeze the shoulder blades together over the spine and push the body off the wall with the forearms. Slowly return the body back to the starting position, but don’t quite touch the shoulders back into the corner. Repeat. The further the feet are out in front of you, the more challenging the movement is.
Back of head, shoulders, elbows, forearms, back of hands, and rear end against the wall. Heels a couple inches in front of the wall. Keeping all the named body parts against the wall, glide the arms up over the head till the fingers touch. Slowly lower. Repeat.
Seated with a therapy band around the bottom of the feet and one end in each hands, row the arms back while squeezing the shoulder blades over the spine. (This can be done while seated on the floor or in a chair)
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corners exercise
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