Shoulder Rolls: Move shoulders forward, then up, then up, then back while squeezing the shoulder blades together, then press them down towards the ground in a circular manner. Repeat in the opposite direction. Shoulder Pendulum Swing: Bent forward (back straight) and arm dangling towards the ground, gently swing the arm in a pendulum arc. Repeat […]
CONTINUE READINGLat Back Stretch: Grasp a stable object (like a door jamb) in front of and above the head. Lean forward and slightly turn towards the side you’re stretching. You should feel it along the back of the armpit and down your side. Internal Rotation Shoulder Stretch: Bring the hand up behind the low back, palm […]
CONTINUE READINGRear Deltoid and Upper Back Stretch: Hands behind the head, elbows wide. Bring elbows together in front of the face. Face Up Shoulder Rotation Stretch: Face up with arm out to side with the elbow bent at 90 degrees and supported on a flat surface. Rotate the shoulder so the arm is up and the […]
CONTINUE READINGArm Curls with Therapy Band: Grasping each end of a therapy band while standing on its center, with hands at the side. Curl the arms up, then slowly lower and repeat. Can also be done with dumbbells. Dumbbell Hammer Curls: Standing with dumbbells held at the sides, palms facing inwards, curl arms up, then slowly […]
CONTINUE READINGTriceps Kickbacks with Therapy Band: Forward bent, upper arm parallel to the ground. Extend the elbow while keeping the upper arm parallel to the ground.Can also be done with dumbbells. Triceps Dips in Chair: Seated position in stable chair with arms. Push yourself up using your arms and assisting movement as much as needed by […]